International Herbal Symposium

As the International Herbal Symposium approaches so soon, i'm feeling overwhelmed with deep gratitude for the gift of getting to work with and beside a collective of incredibly inspiring, brilliant, and legendary babes, Amanda David, Claudia Ford, Sobande Greer, Stephanie Morningstar, Vilde Chaya Fenster-Ehrlich, and Melanie Carpenter. Our ancestors and guardian angels brought us together in this work, and in it, we have created a family of care and healing. So proud that our work together is birthing a healthier conference, that reflects diversity, compassion, and transformation. This year, the IHS will have it's first ever BIPOC only space, In Living Color and we're all so fn lucky to have Leah Penniman grace us as the keynote speaker.
After spending the winter in Iran, i'm brought to tears to have the opportunity to share the healing plants, stories, and rituals of my people and ancestors. I'll be teaching about Traditional Iranian Medicine at the conference this year and co-facilitating "Organizing for BIPOC liberation within Western Herbalism" with my sister, Amanda David.
So much to be grateful for, so much more work to do. xo